Loving Kindness Meditation to Develop Mindfulness and Compassion
This is a Loving Kindness Meditation that will help you develop mindfulness and compassion for your self and others. Loving Kindness...
Boundaries and the Butterfly: I Do This Because I Love You
Setting boundaries is one of the hardest things for someone to do. It requires inner strength to watch someone you love struggle. When...
Anxiety and Depression Symptoms Have Risen Dramatically During the Pandemic
Many are suffering from symptoms of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. How prevalent are these symptoms? An article...
Pandemic Psychology
Overcoming the fight, flight, or freeze response in relation to the pandemic. A number of years ago, I read two fascinating books written...
How to Feel Less Lonely by Facing Yourself
Three ways to shift your perspective on loneliness. Everyone has experienced loneliness. Yet, each person seems to think their experience...
How to be your best self in times of crisis | Susan David
Life's beauty is inseparable from its fragility," says psychologist Susan David. In a special virtual conversation, she shares wisdom on...
September is Suicide Prevention Month
We Can All Prevent Suicide Understanding the issues concerning suicide and mental health is an important way to take part in suicide...
Probiotics May Reduce Symptoms of Depression
A new review has found that probiotics, or a combination of prebiotics and probiotics, may help reduce the symptoms of depression. A new...
The Importance of Juneteenth
The Real Juneteenth: A time to reflect on the impact of trauma on the mental health status of the African American community Juneteenth...
The Cloud of Depression
1 in 4 people will experience depression at some stage in their life, we explore the ways in which culture has influenced the way Muslims...