Uncomfortable Truths About the ADHD Nervous System
Here is a truth that people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) know from an early age: If you have an ADHD...
Parenting a Child With a Learning Disability
According to the Learning Disabilities Association of America, 2.4 million students are diagnosed with a learning disability and about 41...
Getting Things Done Without Getting Bogged Down
Every day we are confronted with endless information, interruptions, distractions, work, and other stuff. All of this butts up against...
Parenting kiddos with ADHD
The symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can present parents with many challenges. Kids with ADHD “often lose...
Growing up with ADHD: Clinical Care Issues
According to Dr. Thomas E. Brown, ADHD is not uncommon in young adults; especially males. He states "The National Comorbidity Survey of...