Dealing with Deep Sadness During the Holidays
Holidays aren’t always joyful, blissful, nor magical. Instead, they can mark a season of not just situational stress and sadness — but...

Loving Kindness Meditation to Develop Mindfulness and Compassion
This is a Loving Kindness Meditation that will help you develop mindfulness and compassion for your self and others. Loving Kindness...

Boundaries and the Butterfly: I Do This Because I Love You
Setting boundaries is one of the hardest things for someone to do. It requires inner strength to watch someone you love struggle. When...

Self Care: What It Really Is
Self Care breaks the myth that self care is a wine party, Netflix binge, or pedicure social. Self care is what's needed for your...

15 Activities for Your Summer Self-Care Checklist
Summer is a great time to think about self-care. With long sunny days and warmer weather, there are more opportunities than ever to...

6 Simple Ways to Destress Right Now
While situations that can lead to stress are unavoidable, you can control how you react to these situations - and help to keep your body...

Most of us know what self-love is but do not understand it. You eat because you understand that you need nourishment. It is sad that most...

Let The Sun Shine: Mind Your Mental Health This Winter
Although the winter season begins with a bit of holiday cheer, many people feel a little “off” as the cold weather drags on. I’ve already...

Eat Right, Drink Well, Stress Less...
Making healthful food choices and using the right herbal supplements and teas can help individuals cope with the taxing effects of stress...

A Fun Way to Destress Without the Mess!
Are you looking for a way to unwind and destress, but don't really like cleaning up afterwords? Click here for an online version of color...