The Truth About Aha! Moments in Therapy
Are epiphanies in therapy just like in the movies? Therapy scenes in movies are so satisfying. The protagonist enters therapy struggling...

Dealing with Childhood Trauma in Adult Therapy
Addressing the trauma-trouble link in therapy. While the notion that early trauma may be linked to psychological and behavioral problems...

How Therapy Works: The Role of Real Rapport
How does talk therapy work? What are its active ingredients, the central mechanisms by which clients improve in therapy? The truth is...

Let The Sun Shine: Mind Your Mental Health This Winter
Although the winter season begins with a bit of holiday cheer, many people feel a little “off” as the cold weather drags on. I’ve already...

For Veterans Day...
Solving the Mystery of Military Mental Health: A Call to Action In the wake of the recent Veterans’ Day observances (November 11, 2018),...

Play Therapy Makes a Different
This information addresses the most frequently asked questions about play therapy, a mental health modality practiced by thousands of...

The Healing Power of Dogs
One boy confided in the gentle-faced golden retriever about exactly what happened in his classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School that...

Parenting a Child With a Learning Disability
According to the Learning Disabilities Association of America, 2.4 million students are diagnosed with a learning disability and about 41...

Flick Friday: What to expect in your first therapy session
Going to a therapist can be a scary idea for some. This video is to demystify your first session and generally know what to expect.