Taking Care of Your Mental Health During the Socially Distanced Holidays
When COVID-19 hit America in early 2020, millions of people were placed under shelter-at-home orders and began to practice social...

Relaxing Christmas Jazz Music 10 Hours
The Best Compilation of Relaxing, Soothing Traditional Christmas Jazz Melodies for Full 10 Hours! Music by Richard Freeman. Playlist:...

A Guided Meditation to Get You Through The Week
Ocean Escape (with music): Walk Along the Beach Guided Meditation and Visualization

Mandala Coloring Pages
While coloring may seem like an activity reserved for preschoolers and young kids, the recent trend of adult coloring books has more...

6 Simple Ways to Destress Right Now
While situations that can lead to stress are unavoidable, you can control how you react to these situations - and help to keep your body...

Relaxing Music for Stress Relief
Click the link to enjoy some relaxing music to help clear your mind and relieve some stress! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OEL4P1Rz04

Silk -- Interactive Art
What is silk? Go to this website: http://weavesilk.com and drag your mouse around the screen to create a lovely and calming display in a...

Eat Right, Drink Well, Stress Less...
Making healthful food choices and using the right herbal supplements and teas can help individuals cope with the taxing effects of stress...

A Fun Way to Destress Without the Mess!
Are you looking for a way to unwind and destress, but don't really like cleaning up afterwords? Click here for an online version of color...

15 Minute Deep Breathing Exercise
Deep Breathing exercises help reduce anxiety, stress, fatigue, restlessness, difficulty sleeping and physical discomfort. For more...