8 Tips to Calm Election Jitters
In a year that has brought heightened stress, it’s almost as if wellness has become the new luxury. On top of the pandemic, we have...

Mental Health Awareness Month: Why Mental Health is More Important Than Ever
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. With the current global pandemic, experts around the world worry that we might face another crisis...

Embrace down time, limit social media during covid-19 crisis, say mental health experts
Like just about everyone else these days, Jen Bertolasio finds herself in a situation she could not have imagined even one month ago....

How Social Media Contributes to Body Dysmorphic Behavior
Most of us have something that we don’t like about our appearance—a crooked smile, large eyes, a flabby stomach, the list goes on. Most...

Coming Out About Mental Health On Social Media
Susanna Harris was sitting in her lab class for her graduate program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill when she received...

Does Social Media Affect Our Relationships?
How would we even live without social media? In a world where our phones are the first and last thing we see every morning and night,...