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Strength over Silence-Rosemary Ketchum

Over the course of July, we will be sharing videos and stories of courage, culture, and community in support of Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This is our second video for the month. We hope you enjoy!

In this ongoing docuseries, NAMI highlights perspectives on mental health across backgrounds and communities. Through candid and courageous stories of lived experience, these mental health champions share their resilience and recovery, emphasizing the importance of culture and identity in the mental health movement.

Inhabiting The Space That Wasn't Built For You

Rosemary Ketchum, is the first-ever politically elected trans woman in the state of West Virginia, gaining national attention. She runs the NAMI Wheeling West Virginia drop-in-center and is the youngest person at age 26 to be on their board of directors. She has extensive family experience with mental health and addiction. She addresses the need for LGBTQ+ people to have a place in the room advocating for social change and a stigma-free world.

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