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The Connection Between Verbal Abuse and Anxiety Everyone Ignores

A long-term mental abuse is related to anxiety. Going through a trauma and a lot of stress results in developing mental disorders out of which the most common one is anxiety. Many people think that verbal abuse is okay

But, you have to know that insulting, yelling, and disrespecting a person may cause harm to them. Actually, verbal and physical abuse are on the same level of harmfulness.

Verbal Abuse is the Worst of All

Cyberbullying and real-life verbal abuse are both seriously dangerous. According to science, it affects both hemispheres of the human brain. Being abused since childhood leads to numerous problems.

Verbal and Mental Abuse Are the Same

When someone is abused, their emotional state is being affected. Both mental and verbal abuse has a negative impact on people’s mental health. People who know how it feels can tell that it can affect their normal everyday life.

If you are one of those people who has experienced this type of abuse, you know that it can seriously affect your life and it may even interfere with your work and relationships. Here are symptoms that you should know.

Long-Term Symptoms

  • PTSD

  • Chronic pain

  • Migraines

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Eating disorders

  • Digestive issues

  • Suiciding thoughts

Short-Term Symptoms

  • Lack of enthusiasm and low self-esteem

  • Overthinking

  • Unable to make decisions

Can You Notice Verbal Abuse?

1. Unappreciation

Abusers usually never abuse when someone tries hard. They never think that things that others do are good enough. So, being abused in this way, makes people feel empty on the inside and as if they do not have an aim.

2. Behind Closed Doors

Abuse usually happens behind closed doors. It happens at work, home, or school. Since these people think that no one may know about it, they choose to abuse others where no one can see. Of course, this leads to severe trauma.

3. Mood Killer

If a person is feeling good, then, an abuser may feel like they have no control over the situation. As a result, they make that person feel bad again because, in fact, they feed when people are sad. Do not let a person like this make you feel bad.

4. Name-Calling

Name-calling is a way that abusers use in order to manipulate other people which is also harmful.

5. Abusers Are Always Right

When an abuser does something bad, they never apologize for it. They believe they are the best and the ones that are never wrong. Keep in mind that a person that does not want to have a discussion may be an abuser.

6. Attack Interests

When someone is an abuser, they tend to attack hobbies, interests, and other things that someone may like. This type of an attack makes people feel worthless, and may even end up lying.

7. Blame

Abusers tend to blame other people for everything. So, the victim feels like they are not good enough and that may be damaging.

8. Jokes

Making jokes at someone’s expense may appear entertaining, but sometimes it is not. If it is done without consent and permission, it may lead to causing harm to the person affected.

9. Isolation

In order to keep themselves safe, victims usually avoid socializing. Being around people makes them feel anxious and uncomfortable, and the reason for this is low self-confidence. If you notice someone with this problem, talk to them, and try to help them.

This article is supposed to raise the awareness of verbal abuse. Pay attention to the behavior of your beloved, and try to help them if you notice something strange

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